
Friday, 28 March 2008

Where is spring? Anybody? Anybody?!

The calendar says its spring. My yard tells me something different! I just figured out that I will be lucky to have 1 month of nice weather before I go back to work. Only 3 months to go - yikes! So you've probably guessed that we have started to look for childcare for our little peanut, and you're right. Someday soon we will have to get up in the morning, get ready for work, get Ryan up and dressed and fed, drop her of in the capable hands of a sitter, and get both of us to work for 8? I shudder to think of how we are going to get this done as I sit here in my sweats with a head of hair that bares a striking resemblance to Carrot Top's.... Enough about me and my woes :o)

I am ashamed to admit that it has been almost a month and a half since I last wrote. I wouldn't admit it at all except its plain for all to see. So, what can happen to a baby between 7 and 1/2 and 9 months? Lots! Ryan is growing like a weed and going through clothes faster than I can shop for them. She now weighs about 22 lbs and is wearing 18 to 24 month clothing. While all of my friends with babies are taking advantage of clearout prices and buying clothes for next fall and winter I don't even dare - I have no idea what size Ryan will be!

So what's happened? Cousin Nathan and Natasha came to visit over their March break and we made it in to get pictures taken. Even though it was quite a challenge to get everyone looking in the same direction (and looking like the were happy to be there) I must say they are a pretty handsome trio. Ryan amused everyone with her latest love - rocking on her rocking moose. Nathan was very generous and brought Ryan his collection of children's books as well so we are in the process of reading through them - thanks Nathan! She was also thrilled to have her Nana visit for almost a week while Jason was in Alberta. It didn't take her long to realize that Nana was fun, fun, fun and she did alot of laughing that week! Thanks for coming Nana - we hope that you do it again soon :o)

So what else? Ryan is well established on solids most of the time. Some days she just doesn't want any, much to my dismay. She just purses her little lips and not a thing will get them to open, not even her beloved prunes (I know, she's already eccentric). She is not crawling yet but she does manage to get from one place to another. She LOVES to make her way from her playmat to the tv where she immdiately starts playing with the basket of remote controls. She has also discovered how to open drawers and cupboard doors and before to long we will be locked up like Fort Knox I'm sure. In the last day or so she has started pushing up on one foot and overextending when reaching for various treasures. This brave new move has resulted in quite a few tumbles and bumps on the noggin. Hopefully she learns how to brace or catch herself before there is a concussion. Her favorite book right now is 'Froggy Gets Dressed' (from Nathan. There are lots of sound effects and she loves them.

What else..... Oh yeah, Ryan has teeth! The bottom 2 made an appearance right after my last post without to much trouble. She has been a little out of character the last day or so - maybe the top ones are on there way? I guess I'll let you know next time :o) Well, that's all for now folks! I'm off to make a card for a soon to be new addition to the family! My brother Ian and his wife Liz are expecting a little girl within the next couple of weeks. Yeah!


PamelaM said...

She has grown so much Cathy and she is so beautiful. I love her smiles and I love the pictures. I can't believe I haven't seen you or Ryan in what feels like forever. I'm a little jealous that she sits still long enough for storytime. Enjoy the remainder of your mat leave with your little peanut.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy,
Very enjoyable blog and great pictures! You're a good writer!