So where has the time gone. February was a blur of SAD (seasonal affective disorder - not that I've
been diagnosed but man this time of the year really is no fun at all!), all of us being under the weather but not really sick enough to take us out of commission, and really just trying to get through the rest of the winter. By the way, there is no end in sight.... Nanny - stay in Florida as long as you can. Coming back here will take the wind right out of your sails!
On a happier note. Ryan has learned to skate. Or should I say, is learning. I am really proud of her. When we were informed by her daycare that they were going to take them to the preschool skate every Tuesday for 2 months I was more than a little apprehensive. Ryan approaches things with an all or nothing attitude. In many cases if she cannot do it perfectly she doesn't want to do it at all. (Like colouring - to hear the words 'I want to colour' make me cringe). So with a few bumps along the way Ryan is really finding her comfort zone on her skates. She keeps trying to do better and I am delighted that there is a physical activity that we all enjoy. The rinks have skating until the end of April here so I think we'll be taking advantage.
Ryan has discovered a new game. She calls it Chapters. We set up her cash register on the coffee table and grocery bags on the back of her rocking chair. The we all take turns being the nurse (cashier) and shopping. We always finish of by putting the bags in the imaginary car and driving home. When its Ryan's turn to shop her cart is always full of hot dogs, pizza, cookies etc. We may have to do better in the meal preparation area!
I have been crocheting and kniting like a mad person as well. I decided to start selling my pretty little creations via an Etsy store and perhaps some local marketing. I have already sold several items and am pretty tickled. My thinking is that I will have newborn samples of several different styles of hats that will be 'made to order'. I'll also have a selection of ready to ship items. Wish me well. I'll post some of my projects soon...
Last night Jason raised the meal-preparation-bar. Until now he has been an awesome sous-chef and the king of cheese and toast. Yesterday he planned and executed an excellent green curry dish with chicken and served on a bed of rice. It was YUMMY! It was the first time I ate green curry and will definitely be having it again (if he makes it). Then this morning he made breakfast. Wowsers! Maybe he's feeling neglected by all of the crocheting and knitting....
Games, games and more games! Ryan loves a good game! Here she is playing war or 'Ore' with Daddy. |
Giving Lucy some love. |
Painting t-shirts with her friend Ella. |
Birthday party sleigh ride with her friend Juliana. It was Ryan's first sleigh ride and she kept asking where the horsies were going. I told her they were looking for some apples! |
1 comment:
What a sweetie....DH and DD both! Green Curry sounds very fun and yummy and to have someone make breakfast for you, that's always a good thing!
How fun to see your daughter learn new things. Love the sleigh ride photo. Great angle!
thanks for sharing! :) Can't wait to see those awesome pics scrapped!
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