
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Weather Lemonade.

The weather is not to my liking. I decided that I would spring for some new rubber boots (because I didn't have any and I really hate it when the bottom of my pants get all wet) and a mac daddy umbrella. I'm glad I did because they are going to get a lot of use from what I can see. Its not all bad - there are puddles to be jumped in and dandelions growing like mad. I'm sure that when the sun decides to shine the mosquitos will be out in full force. The joys of spring in NB. I just need to remember the wise words of Ryan. No matter what the weather she usually finds a reason to say, 'Its a great day!'.

I have been finding things to do in the rain. I put away the crochet hook for a bit and pulled out the knitting needles. I love the look of bonnets and cannot wait to see what they look like on a real person and not a ball of yarn.

On this particular day Ryan decided she wanted to jump in the puddles. "Sure" I said. It didn't take too long before the pants were wet and off they came. Ryan still loves her birthday suit. When I started called it her birthday suit she thought that was pretty funny. One day she told me she wanted to wear her party clothes to bed. Get it?

The Mac Daddy umbrella. I would buy one again. The company name is 'Cheeky' and they run out of BC somewhere. They all have cute little sayings inside.

Just today she picked me a boquet of dandelions. They're sitting in a teacup on my windowsill.

She decided to humor me and strike a pose - I can still be surprised!

Oh well, I guess the weather will be what it will be. I'm going to make it my purpose to make weather lemonade out of weather lemons

1 comment:

Hollee said...

I totally (heart) your umbrella!!! :)